FreshLife Automatic Sprouter - 1 unit
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Please Note: All Appliances are warrantied through manufacturer only!
The Freshlife Automatic Sprouter is automatic, easy to use, and costs only pennies a day to run. It delivers a continuous supply of fresh water and air to provide a simple, convenient way to grow fresh, tender and natural live sprouts in the convenience of your own home.
When you use organic seeds, you will especially enjoy fresh sprouts free from chemicals or pesticides. Enjoy wheatgrass, but it's just a hassle to grow or to take care of? This is your easy solution. Our Freshlife Sprouter works miracles with wheatgrass. You'll love harvesting your own wheatgrass when you want fresh wheatgrass juice.
Time required to grow sprouts at degrees above 64°F
Alfalfa 5-6 days
Broccoli 5-6 days
Corn 5-6 days
Mung Beans 4-5 days
Radish Seeds 5-6 days
Sesame 5-6 days
Soybeans 4-5 days
Sunflower 5-6 days
Wheat 4-5 days
Other Seeds 4-7 days
- Insert the WATER PRESSURE CONTROL TUBE into the center of thewater barrel.
- Fill the WATER BARREL with safe, uncontaminated water (preferablynon-chlorinated water) to approximately one inch from the brim of barrel.
- Place the SPROUT BARREL onto the WATER BARREL.
- Insert the assembled WATER TUBE into the sprout barrel. It isimportant to align the connecting tubes carefully. If the tubes are notconnected and aligned correctly, water pressure will be lost.
- Place the LOWER TRAY (w/larger tabs up) into the SPROUT BARRELand sprinkle seeds evenly.
- Cover with the UPPER TRAY(w/larger tabs up).
- Place the SPRINKLER on top of the WATER TUBE and coverit with the TOP LID.
- Plug the FreshLife Sprouter's cord into the appropriate outlet.
- When your sprouts have grown to the desired height (varies withthe type of seed used) they are ready to harvest.
- To harvest your sprouts, remove sprouts from the SPROUT BARREL. Theroots will be attached to the SEED TRAY; you can pull them from the trayor cut them. Place sprouts in a bowl of clean water and agitate toseparate the clumps of sprouts. After removing the sprouts fromwater, drain and place them in a storage container. Store it inthe refrigerator to maintain freshness. Most sprouts will remain freshfor 4-7 days when refrigerated, but make sure you check forthe freshness before consumption.
Freshlife Cleaning Instruction.
- Unplug the unit from the electric outlet
- Disassemble the unit.
- Wash the LID, SPLINKLER, SEED TRAYS, WATER TUBE,PRESSURE CONTROL TUBE and SPROUT BARREL thoroughly withcold or lukewarm water.
- The WATER BARREL and the MOTOR CHAMBER are attachedtogether. Do not emerge the WATER BARREL into the waterwhen cleaning. Clean the inside of the WATER BARREL with water and wipe the outside of the WATER BARREL with a clean towel.