Books Stevia, Naturally Sweet Recipes - 1 book
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By: Rita Depydt
Paperback, 213 pages
Cut your calories, improve your health, and still enjoy your favorite sweet treats!
If you are concerned about too much sugar in your diet and are reluctant to use artificial sweeteners, try these delicious low-sugar recipes, sweetened with an extract of the herb Stevia rebaudiana.
The intense flavor of stevia extract is about 200 to 300 times sweeter than sugar, with no calories and a glycemic index of 0. Used by millions of people around the world and deemed safe by doctors and scientists, stevia may be the answer to your sugar woes.
This book is a combination of Rita’s two previous cookbooks. Baking with Stevia I and II, along with new and revised recipes. Includes information on how to use stevia as a substitute for other sweeteners.
Over 100 recipes including: Cranberry Punch, Date Shakes, Yam Pecan Muffins, Cranberry Orange Muffins, Banana Bread, Breakfast Sweet Rolls, Cheesecakes, Lemon Poppyseed Cake, Blueberry Tofu Bundt Cake, Molasses, almond, Jam Dot and Peanut Butter Cookies, Brownies, Rice Pudding, Strawberry Cream Pie, Sparkling Gelatin, Orange Sherbet.
With Recipes using: Whole Herb Stevia, Sevia Concentrate, and Stevia Extracts.