Dr. Christopher's Smoke Out - 1 oz.
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Smoke-Out Extract is a preventive and health-improving remedy, which helps smokers quit smoking and overcome consequences of long-term smoking abuse. People normally quit smoking without weight gain and restore normal functioning of the lungs and bronchi within just a few months.
The use of the Smoke-Out formula is a powerful, yet mild in effect, way of helping people to quit smoking. Many herbalists prescribe the extract in the complex treatment of a heavy stage of nicotine addiction.
- Helps to effectively suppress the urge to smoke
- Triggers an aversion to tobacco smoke
- Cleanses the body of poisons and toxins
- Removes deviations caused by nicotine
Ingredients:Lobelia Herb, Rose Hips & Cayenne (200,000 H.U.).
Directions:As a dietary supplement take 8 drops instead of smoking or as directed by your health care professional. Store in a cool, dry place.
Warning:Do not use during pregnancy or give to small children except as directed by your health care professional.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.