AquaRain Water Filter System Model 202 - 1 unit
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Model 200 Water Filter System
Every day, more of us become concerned with the quality of life. In our quest for better health and longevity, we often overlook simple but vital steps we can take to achieve our best level of health.
Water is one of the foremost ingredients in the recipe for good health and long life. Proper hydration of the cells of the body is essential to proper blood chemistry, the renewal of skin, and proper function of all the vital organs.
Numerous medical studies point to the absolute importance of water. Most of us take in far less than we should each day. Often the readily available water from our taps may be contaminated. As a result the normal health benefits are negated and our well being is compromised if not seriously endangered. Cities and water districts across the nation continue to add noxious chemicals to the water supply in an effort to offset the increasing effects of pollution.
When it comes to purifying water, the most effective process is found in the mountain strata of nature itself. In the best of conditions, rainwater and moisture on the earth’s surface are absorbed and percolate through layers of soil and down into porous rock formations, which remove harmful and life-threatening chemicals as well as particulate matter. Surface water is thus naturally filtered through increasingly fine organic filters, with the end result being pure water, the true elixir of life itself.
Aqua Rain duplicates nature's perfect process, using the force of gravity alone. Through the minute pores of our specially fired ceramics, waterborne pathogens are removed including cysts (cryptosporidium and giardia lamblia), and bacteria (E. coli, salmonelli typhus, cholera, etc.). The now filtered water enters a chamber packed with silver impregnated activated carbon where chemicals (chlorine) , pesticides, VOC's (MTBE), tastes and odors, are absorbed. The end result is safe water for drinking and cooling where nothing less will do. Without question, nothing is more important than having safe and pure water when it comes to enjoying a longer and better quality of life with vibrant health.
This is the compact version of our gravity filter systems, which uses two high performance cartridges mounted in a 1 1/2 gallon stainless steel housing. When kept full, you can produce up to 1/2 gallon of water per hour. The Model 200 is 18" tall overall and is approximately 8" in diameter.
Great water, naturally! Made in the U.S.A.