Books Rebound to Better Health CD - 1 CD
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Rebound to Better Health CD
Rebound to Better Health. CD by Bruce Fife, N.D.
Rebound exercise is known as the most efficient, most effective form of exercise ever devised by man. With a simple rebounder (mini-tramp) you have a device that is equal to all the fancy machines and equipment found in a gymnasium or health spa. This little trampoline will do it all for you, and in most cases, more effectively too. You can gain all the benefits of running without suffering from injuries caused by pounding on a hard surface. Studies by NASA scientists show that rebounding is 68% more effective than jogging, and yet requires less effort! You can also develop both upper and lower body strength just as effectively as weight lifting without the strain or threat of pulled or torn muscles. Rebounding has been shown to out perform swimming as an all around exercise. Even the elderly and crippled can rebound to better health. And you can do it all in the privacy of your own home.
Rebound exercise is the only form of exercise that is capable of building physical strength as well as correct degenerative health conditions. Rebounding enhances the immune system in a way that is unlike any other form of exercise. Many people suffering from cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, varicose veins, osteoporosis, failing eyesight and other degenerative conditions have achieved better health using this unique form of exercise. No other exercise can compare, because they all lack an essential element found only in rebounding.
On this CD you will learn about the miraculous benefits of rebound exercise and why it's used by professional athletes to build strength and improve coordination. You will learn about a lady crippled by arthritis and confined permanently to a wheelchair who was able to regain the strength and mobility in her legs and become active again. You will see how it helped reverse the effects of heart disease in an elderly couple and gave them back their lives. You will also learn how it's been used as an effective tool against osteoporosis. You will discover why it is called the most efficient, most effective tool against osteoporosis. You will discover why it is called the most efficient, most effective, and most beneficial form of exercise ever devised by man and, best of all, you will learn what it can do for you.